What Should My Child Learn?

Learning can be addictive (CLICK HERE to find out), but how do you know what to teach your child? What is too hard or too easy for your 2 year old? What can your 3 year old do that you didn’t think they were ready for yet? I get these questions A LOT, so I want to break it down for you.

Before I explain what milestones young children develop through their early years, please be aware that each child is different and develops at different rates. Some children might develop language skills faster than others, while other children develop their motor skills more quickly. The milestones listed below are suggested for each age, but you know your child best so help them thrive in the areas that might be easier for them and encourage them in the areas that they might need a little longer to develop. They are not a failure if they aren’t meeting these milestones, but if you have concerns please talk to your child’s doctor.

Below, you will see that I divided a child’s milestones into 4 categories: physical, cognitive, language, and social/emotional. Feel free to find your child’s age and read the milestones that they are likely to achieve during that year of their life. You should be able to determine your child’s strengths to help challenge them. You will also be able to determine milestones that your child is struggling to master. This will help you to create learning opportunities to reinforce these skills.

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What skills are you surprised your child is ready to learn at their age? Comment below to share.

Each of my activity books provides fun, hands-on activities that allow you to meet your child at their milestones. They help make learning fun and challenging. You can pick and choose what activities would work best for your child and their developmental readiness. Here are my book recommendations, based on the above milestones: