God Has Called You

I’m about to get real raw and real honest with you. I’m sharing my heart today!

I try my best to avoid the news because I don’t enjoy exposing myself to all the negativity that is typically portrayed, but I still hear glimpses of things that are occurring in the world, and it truly breaks my heart. I’ve been struggling with the fact that my children are going to grow up in this broken world. It’s made me sad, mad, fearful, and worried.


As I’ve worried about my children’s future, God has taken my anxieties and provided comfort in just the right moments. Just in case you are anxious about your child’s future, I want to share the comforts God has so graciously provided me in my time of need so that maybe you can feel His comfort also.

God Called You for This Time

We are broken people. Our world is broken. It’s been broken since Adam and Eve decided to sin and eat from the tree of good and evil. The world has taken its focus off of God. The world is trying to conform us and our children’s minds to the ways of the world instead of steering us back to the creator, God. This wrong turn the world has made, has made me fearful for my children’s future.

But, do you think God is fearful? Do you think God didn’t see this coming?

God has a plan—a perfect plan!

“’For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

He had a plan when He knitted my children together in my womb. God had a plan when He chose me as my children’s mom.  God even predetermined when we would be born and where we would live.

“From one man he has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live. He did this so that they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.” Acts 17:26-27

God chose when Daniel would be born. God knew the high officials would try to get Daniel to turn against Him, but God knew Daniel would remain faithful. And because of his faithfulness to continue to pray to God, he would face the lion’s den. But God brought Daniel out of the lion’s den unharmed!

God planned for Moses to be born a Hebrew baby but raised by the Egyptian pharaoh’s daughter. God knew that Moses had speaking limitations, but he still called him to go back to Egypt to free His people. God knew that Moses would boldly walk in obedience.

God had already selected Mary to be Jesus’ mother even before she was born. He knew she would face ridicule for being pregnant before being wed. God knew Mary would trust His plan.

God had a plan for each of these people’s lives, so I can be confident in knowing that God has a plan for my children. He will protect my children from whatever the world throws at them.

This doesn’t mean that I get to sit back and be done parenting. No, God has chosen ME to be my children’s mother, and that is a true honor. I need to rise up to this challenge! It is my (and my husband’s) job to raise my children:

·         to know the unconditional love God showers us with,

·         to know the power God has to move mountains,

·         to train them up in the truths of His Word (the Bible),

·         to teach them to trust in God even when they are afraid,

·         to thank God in the good and not so good times, and

·         to trust in God’s plan.

“Start children off on the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

I always want to protect my babies from anything that can be hard or hurt them, but I can’t let my fear overpower God’s greatness. God has called my children, and your children, for this time. He has called us, their mothers, for this time. We need to “raise our children up in the way they should go”, and God’s goodness will shine through the darkness. We have to trust in God’s plan!