Get to Know Me - Autumn McKay


I thought it would be fun for you to get to know me a little better, so here are 20 questions that I often get asked…

1.Is your hair naturally curly?

Yes, it is. Most days I believe that is a blessing and other days I think it would be much easier to have straight hair.

2. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?

Definitely the beach! Love the sound of the waves, the breeze off the ocean, the sand between my toes, and the warm sun. Now I want to go to the beach!


3. What’s your favorite dessert?

I’ve been trying to do a better job of limiting my sugar intake, but if I’m going to indulge it’s going to be a gooey, center-piece brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Yum!

4. How would you describe your fashion style?

Do yoga pants and leggings count as fashion? Haha! I’ve worked from home for a while so I got in a habit of old, college t-shirts and yoga pants, but to make me feel better about myself I’ve been trying to do a better job of “dressing up” my style, so I would say I now dress “comfy-casual” (meaning leggings and a cute top). Is that a style?

5. What’s your favorite movie?

Favorite kids movie would have to be Moana! I love the songs in that movie. I try to sing along, but often get shushed. Favorite adult movie is the Fast and Furious series! I know it’s probably not what you were thinking, but they are awesome and I have no shame in admitting it!

6. What do your kids call you? Mom, Mama, or Mommy?

They’ve always called me Mommy, and I think it’s the sweetest thing because it makes me feel like they will stay little forever. Although, my youngest has been calling me Mom lately…not cool.

7. What is your worst habit?

Saying “ummm” and “like” a lot are probably my worst habits.

8. Do you have anything you are trying to improve on?

In reference to the last question, I’m trying to take those two words out of my vocabulary.

I’m also trying to show my children more respect. I want them to respect me, so I in turn need to show them respect by not yelling at them and listening to their thoughts and feelings fully.

9. What does your husband do for a living?

Well, he is an engineer by trade, and currently works on projects at several well-known retailers. He also helps me run our publishing company called Creative Ideas Publishing.

10. Why do you and your husband go to Taco Bell on your wedding anniversary?

You know how someone usually packs a “to-go” bag of food for you on your wedding day? Well, they forgot to put ours in our car, so we stopped at Taco Bell on our way to our honeymoon because we were starving. Then, on our 1 year anniversary, I asked hubby to stop and pick up something to eat because I wasn’t feeling well—he got Taco Bell. Year 2 we realized that we had been to Taco Bell on both occasions, so we decided to make it a tradition. It’s corky, but I love it!


11. What’s the biggest project on your to-do list right now?

I just completed writing my latest series called Teach Your Child to Read Activity Books, so I’m taking a little break to catch up on making some family photo albums.

12. Did you always want to be an author?

Nope, definitely not! When I was little I wanted to be a teacher (when CSI was big I thought about being a Crime Scene Investigator). I went to school to be a teacher. I was a teacher. Then babies came and I had the privilege of staying home with them. Hubby encouraged me to write about our activities, and I reluctantly gave it a try. I didn’t even consider myself an “actual” author until about two years ago. Now it’s my favorite job I never dreamed I’d have!

13. When you first started Best Mom Ideas—was it just a creative outlet or did you have hopes of growing it into the business it has become?

I first started Best Mom Ideas to share cool gadgets and gizmos that I have found helpful throughout motherhood. I thought if I could help make another mother’s life a little easier, then it was worth sharing. My husband encouraged me to share my preschool activities as a way to help moms as well. I never dreamed that moms would be interested in the activities that I do with my children. I am truly touched by all of the kind words you have shared through your thoughtful reviews, comments, and emails. I’m so grateful that I get to help so many moms help their children learn in a fun and educational way!

14. Are you a full-time author or do you have other supplemental income?

I am blessed to be a full-time author!

15. What’s the most challenging part of owning your own business?

Setting boundaries. It’s hard for me to say “no” to responding to an email, or to just check on this one thing (that turns into 20 things). I am trying to do a better job of making sure I don’t interrupt family time with work things. I try to leave work emails unread if received after 5pm. I’m sorry if it takes a little longer to return your email, but I will reply…I promise.

16. How do you balance your time between kids, a business, and life things?

Let’s just say, it’s beautiful chaos and sometimes it’s just chaos. I typically wake up at 5 am so I have some uninterrupted work time—this is when I’m most productive. Then when the kids are up, I turn my focus to them—it’s breakfast, school, play, and fun time. When the kids go to school I have 2 days to work. I also get a couple of hours to work after we complete school on home days. Then it’s household chore time—dishes, prepping meals, laundry, cleaning up, etc. The kids pitch in with household chores—it’s a work in progress, but I’m appreciative of the help!

Some days, work is super busy so the laundry gets forgotten or we have to go pick-up dinner. I’ve just learned to give myself grace because everything is not going to be perfect all the time.

17. I’m newly working from home. Do you have any tips for working from home with young kids?

Grace—give yourself and your children grace as you learn to manage your new routines. I recommend working before your kids wake up in the morning—this is when the house is quiet and usually my most productive time. Teaching your children how to play independently is good for you and them as well. You can read more about how to manage work-from-home schedules HERE.

18. How do you come up with blog posts?

My blog posts are inspired by you, moms. I write about questions I have been asked (potty training help is a big question), dilemmas I have faced as a mom, and things that I have been encouraged or learned from that I think would benefit other moms. I really hope you find something that you like!

19. I’m new to Best Mom Ideas. Any recommended reads?

Oh where to start…

Need help figuring out how to start an activity time with your child? CLICK HERE

Feeling pressures of mom-guilt and need help? CLICK HERE

Need a good book to read? CLICK HERE

Want the secret to a happier life? CLICK HERE

Debating whether or not to get your child a tablet? CLICK HERE

Wondering how to prepare your preschooler for kindergarten? CLICK HERE

20. What projects are you working on now for Best Mom Ideas?

As I said, I just released 3 reading activity books so I’m taking a little break. If you have a suggestion for a book idea, please share.